Sperm Donor: Advantages and Disadvantages

Sperm donation is when a guy donates his sperm to be used in artificial insemination or other "fertility treatment" on a lady or woman who is not his sexual partner for them to become pregnant by him. However, there are some pros and cons of using a sperm donor.

What are the Advantages of sperm donation?

These are some benefits of sperm donation: 

⦁    You're a very generous man. You may pat yourself on the back for the rest of your life, knowing that you have provided indescribable joy to new parents every day.

⦁    You are performing a selfless act by delivering eternal joy to a family trying to conceive a child.

⦁    Being a sperm donor could earn you money.

What are the Disadvantages of sperm Donation?

Little Angel IVF Center is the Best IVF Center in Noida with the Highest Success Rate. These are some cons of being a sperm donor and disadvantages of egg and sperm donation: 

⦁    You must be committed to providing sperm because monthly visits to the sperm bank may be required.

⦁    You will be subjected to many health examinations. You'll learn if you have any genetic illnesses, STDs, or a healthy sperm count.

⦁    You'll need to keep a close eye on your sexual activity if you want to keep your sexual health in good shape.

⦁    Before giving sperm, you will be instructed not to ejaculate for 1 to 2 days.

⦁    Some clinics require a six-month delay between the time the sperm is donated and can be used. This is so that after six months, the sperm can be retested for HIV.

⦁    You'll have to decide whether or not to inform your friends and relatives. What do you think their reaction would be about you donating sperms?

⦁    The majority of sperm donors aren't anonymous. When the child reaches the age of 18, you will be identified. It would be best to think about this influence on you and your future family.


So, if you are donating or using donor sperm, be careful about it. While using donor sperm to get your baby, please know whether it is HIV tested or not. 

Source: https://dzone.com/articles/sperm-donor-advantages-and-disadvantages


Is It Safe To Get IVF Treatment In Corona (Covid-19) Period?

Covid-19 is a virus that spreads in many ways from one person to another person or many other things too also spreading this virus. WHO says about Covid-19 that it spread in people when they enhance their social gathering or not following Coivd-19 rules. It is absolutely safe to take IVF treatment during the Covid-19 pandemic because Docter's are following all the guidelines that the Government decided for Covid So it is fully safe.
For more info : Is It Safe To Get IVF Treatment In Corona (Covid-19) Period?